
26 Apr 2024

A Message - May 2014

By - Alimah Nadia Sadiq Saturday, May 31, 2014

Alhamdulillah, thinking of another year finishing is bringing a river of emotions in my heart. I feel blissful, excited, content and satisfied. On the other hand I feel overwhelmed, heartbroken, anxious and concerned by the thought of my first batch of students graduating this year. 

I feel like the mother who is marrying off her daughter. She is happy and content that finally she has completed her responsibility of raising her daughter so that she is independent and ready to start her new life. On the other hand, she is sad to let her go; she is worried for her happiness, she is scared to leave her out in the world on her own to face and handle the realities of the world. She is concerned for her well being and fears that this little toddler who was once holding her hand to learn how to walk, today is all dressed up in her bridal dress, leaving her parents house with elegance and grace, ready to move to a strange new home.

This roller coaster of emotions make me realize that life continues, and it should continue, because the purpose of our life is not to withhold things, and get focused on them; the purpose of life is to carry on with our mission of serving Allah ta'ala and His deen. The travelers might change but the journey continues. 

This thought makes me imagine myself yet again, welcoming the new fourth year and handing over the Bukhari and Muslim in their hands; with a new hope, a new enthusiasm, and a new mission. Again going through a year of hard work and dedication where the teachers and students give their weekends and nights to get maximum benefit from these prestigious books. Again doing the tarbiyah (personal development) trying to inculcate the three dimensions of the deen in the students; teaching them the beautiful words of our Prophet (peace be upon him) and engraving the love of Allah ta'ala on their hearts.

It also makes me excited to welcome the new first year students, who have the right of all my affection and love. To gently hold their hands and teach them to take the first steps towards the All-Merciful. This thought brings in the concern of getting to know them and their beautiful hearts, which brought them to this madrasah (Islamic school) for a zeal to learn and improve. And also to make them know me, assuring them they have found a loving mother and a concerned father in this madrasah.

It also gives me a hope to see the fruits of a year of tarbiyah and advices in the new second year (Khassah class). With their young and enthusiastic hearts I can hope for an overwhelming passion in them to discover the gems of bigger and deep subjects like Al-Qaduri, Usul- ul-Fiqh and to dive into the depths of Arabic grammar, absorbing its eloquence and beauty. At the same time, their advancement in achieving the spiritual heights by making their bond stronger than before with their Shaykh and the father of this madrasah, my beloved husband who is the means of passing this nur of nisbah to their hearts. 

This thought also brings my attention to the new third year (‘Aaliyyah) students, seeing them more mature and independent; taking the charge of the madrasah by learning from their seniors and being in their company. Serving the madrasah selflessly and searching for Allah ta'ala through the Khidmah”, as it’s said, 

Worship gives you Jannah and Khidmah gives you Allah.”

I hope they will spend more time in learning the management and organization of the madrasah and will become like the advisers for the teachers and the seniors, in addition to advancing to some great books like Al-Mishkaat and Al-Hidayah. I am looking forward to making them discover the hidden secrets of the beautiful language of The Quran, through Al-Balagha.

All of these thoughts give me a new hope to love each other as we learn together, indulging on the precious moments and cherishing them. Learning to grow and prosper and achieve our goal. Figuring out how to succeed, and stay on the top, yet enjoying all that this journey has to offer.

So, as I bid farewell to the graduating class with all my duas, wishes, hopes, concerns, love and emotions, I also welcome my new classes with the same emotions. Some flowers need to shed their petals and spread the fragrance and yet some are still to bloom. So the gardener needs to carry on, sowing more seeds and nurturing his garden. 

Farewell brings hope,

And a glimpse into the future.

Farewell excites,

All set for a new adventure.


Farewell is sad,

As you remember the past.

Farewell becomes hard,

While only memories last.


But we must know,

People have to leave.

There are new venues to explore,

New friends to believe.


A chapter is finished, 

Yet another one starts.

So I wish for you the best,

On the journey of love that lasts.


A journey of promises,

With a content and hopeful voice.

A journey of spiritual heights,

In which the hearts rejoice.


So, today I bid farewell,

With this unshed tear.

But in this journey of love,

believe, We will always be near.


So let us feel happy,

And let the memories hold.

Let us take a step forward,

To face the future bold  

May Allah ta'ala accept us all,

Nadia Sadiq

Always in the service of Nur ul Ilm Academy

Saturday, May 31st, 2014 | Sha’ban 2, 1435